Karin Doguet
Lieu de la formation
Hybrid education model
On-site courses take place at Solvay Brussels School
Av. F.D Roosevelt, 42
1050 Brussels
Formation inter-entreprises (à dates fixes)
Date de début
Date de fin
: - :
12 mois
Nombre de places maximum
12950€ / TTC
Profil des participants
This programme is intended for professionals requiring managerial and practical knowledge of the six domains representing the pillars of cybersecurity activities and management practices.
Niveau d'admission / prérequis
At least 5 years as a digital or cybersecurity manager
Actively involved in digital or cybersecurity activities and decision-making.
Conditions de paiement
La formation est à payer dans les 30 jours qui suivent l’envoi de la facture
Conditions d'annulation
Jusqu’à 30 jours calendrier avant le démarrage de la formation
Garantie de prestation
Cette formation est garantie
Subsides et interventions possibles
Région Wallonne
KMO Portefeuille
Région Bruxelles-Capitale
Réduction groupe
Cette formation est donnée en Anglais | |
Certificat à la fin de la formation |
Objectifs de la Formation
Aligned with European standards, regulations, and practices, the Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management addresses essential domains of knowledge, as well as fundamental challenges in order to protect organisations from cyber threats.
Description de la formation
This Executive Master is accessible across Europe thanks to a hybrid education model:
- Fundamentals by self learning through recommended readings and videos;
- On-site case study activities with peers from various locations;
- On-site lectures from leading experts.
The Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management addresses the following six domains of knowledge that are essential for Cybersecurity and Information Security Leaders:
1. Information Security Leadership (January - February 2024)
2. Security Controls (March - April 2024)
3. Security Architecture (May - June 2024)
4. Security Operations (September - October 2024)
5. Cybersecurity Battleground (November - December 2024)
6. General Management (Spread over the year)
Autres formations de
Accès utilisateur
Formation inter-entreprises (à dates fixes)
Date de début
Date de fin
12 mois
: - :
12950€ / TTC
Nombre de places maximum