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  • Valérie derbaudrenghien

    Formateur & Consultant freelance

    Valérie derbaudrenghien

    56 ans


    Brabant Flamand

    Info pratiques

    Domaines de compétence


    Communication, Management, Gestion ressources humaines, Développement personnel - coaching - leadership


    Services prestés en

    Début des activités

    Français, Néerlandais, Anglais


    Tarif indicatif par jour de formation (HTVA)


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    Description des services proposés

    Passion would be the word that fits me most. Passion for People. For their inner complexity and depth. Passion for Personal Growth. Theirs and my own. And last but not least, passion for my Work. In fact, it's so much more than a job.Or a way to earn a living. It's become ... yes, a passion. My Passion. I am a Freelance Trainer. I mainly train Hotel, Restaurant & Catering Staff. On all levels. Of all departments. And more recently, I have added the Bank Industry.

    Méthodes / outils / logiciels maîtrisés


    Distinctions et formations maîtrisées

    The courses I have come to train people in are mainly the following :

    - Situational Leadership
    - Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
    - Change Management
    - Conflict Management
    - Excellence in Service
    - Guest Satisfaction
    - Management by Objectives
    - Performance Based Appraisals
    - Restaurant Management
    - Upselling & Sales at the Reception Desk
    - Upselling & Sales in the Restaurant
    - ...

    Références récentes
