Karin Doguet
Lieu de la formation
Solvay Lifelong Learning
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 42,
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Formation inter-entreprises (à dates fixes)
En 8 modules | 5/8
Date de début
2 jours
Nombre de places maximum
1600€ / htva
12-13 January 2023
Profil des participants
The Finance for Non-Financials programme addresses people of various types, from all sectors of the economy.
Niveau d'admission / prérequis
The knowledge of Excel is a plus.
Conditions de paiement
La formation est à payer dans les 30 jours qui suivent l’envoi de la facture
Conditions d'annulation
Jusqu’à 30 jours calendrier avant le démarrage de la formation
Garantie de prestation
Cette formation est garantie
Subsides et interventions possibles
Réduction groupe
Objectifs de la Formation
Understand, analyse and appreciate the value created by a project deploying the maximum amount of available information, regarding the investments to be made.
Description de la formation
Accounting for the time value of money
Understand the basis of valuation of financial assets, projects and companies
Understanding investment decision rules and criteria (payback, internal rate of return, net present value etc.)
Understanding and avoiding traditional investment decision mistakes
Selecting among different financing proposals: how best to use investment decision rules and criteria
Choosing among different project opportunities when faced with constraints on financial resources
Understanding what your minimum return should be, either for your company projects or personal investment.
Autres formations de
Accès utilisateur
Formation inter-entreprises (à dates fixes)
En 8 modules | 5/8
Date de début
2 jours
Nombre de places maximum
1600€ / htva